The task of the purpose machine: pressing of the plastic valve into the air compressor.
The operator puts it onto the palette and and tilts it into the pressing posítion of the valve. The worker takes the plastic valve out of the part-container box and affixes it into the pressing machine. They actuate the machine with a stalk-switch to start a working cycle. Then the part piece-sensing optics check if the parts are being there. Afterwards, the „O” ring is lubricated and then it is followed by pressing. We measure the pressing rate with Heidenhain measuring equipment, on the other hand, we preclude the overpressing of the valve with buffer elements. The station is capable to produce 3 types of compressors. It can be achieved by changing the buffer elements and the palettes. The working space of the station is covered with aluminium coating and water-clear polycarbonate. The operator can reach the working space only after the opening of the pneumatic safety door, actuating with a special switch.
The task of the purpose machine: Blending spices, dehydrated stock and the accompanying flavours.
The equipment works at 2 rotational speeds, at the lower speed we blend the powders, solid and liquid flavours and fat on the whole, then we homogenize the mixture at a higher rotation speed. The lumps can be disassociated with the help of a switch in the process of the homogenization. The timing of the lower and higher rotational speeds can be modified and customized in the light of the blending experience.
The right dose level is carried out by pressing a pneumatic foot pedal at the end of a blending cycle at a lower rotation speed.
The opening of the blending tank cover is protected by a safety switch.
The ball press station is a separate technical unit located on the work bank, its components are fitted on a baseboard, by this, it can be relocated quickly and easily.
The equipment has a separate electrical system (electrical cabinet, main switch, emergency cable, terminal). The task of the purpose machine: pressing 3-mm balls into a workpiece called Platté.
The final, good qualification of the complete work piece must meet the following requirements:
If any of the conditions are not complied with the requirements, the workpiece is qualified inadequate.
The pump assembly station is an installed unit on the bank of the purpose machine, its parts are fixed to a baseboard.
A carrier working with linear servo takes the pump to the different installation prcedures.
We have developed a so called uncovering method to the object perception.
Vision system established to the station for inserting rotor parts, is capable to the following:
The operator puts the shaft into the existing palette, the Vision sensor carries out the required control, then, according to the results, the worker pushes the acknowledgement button to give way to the next step, or in case of error, inserts another rotor.
The station was designed for transporting rotating parts. To decide when the seats can move on, can be timed on the control panel. The equipment has 3 conveyor chains, providing 2 rows of seats next to each other. The operator inserts the rotor parts into these seats. The period of time between inserting and taking out the same rotor part must be at least 4 hours. The station has the capacity for 576 pieces of rotating parts.
The equipment has a feeding part (where the rotor parts can be inserted into the conveyor seats) and the discharging part (where we can take out the rotor parts from the conveyor). The control panel is placed at the feeding part, and is used for setting different operating modes. The station is equipped with emergency buttons and progress lamps at both sides. .
The error alert including flashlight, acoustic warning and contact signals are feasible to stop the production line. The error alert is continuous until acknowledgement! After the acknowledgement the error alert ceases. .
The operators can not reach into the work area without error alert only if the green lamp lights in front of them. Actually, if the operators reach into the work area protected with safety light curtain, the station stops conveying rotor parts, and they are also warned by beeping.
The task of the purpose machine: As a part of a fully automated station, it screw-cuts and drills threads into copper parts in specified positions and in the required drill hole depth.
The station carries out 2 or 3 main assembly steps depending on the type of the aluminium box of the compressor. At all the 3 types it oils up the plastic valve, then it places the valve into the appropriate bore of the aluminium box, afterwards it checks the precision of the pressure. The cover to be fitted to the aluminium box is ready for the station, which, with the prepared parts, places the seal, the cover and the 4 bolts to the right position and then it screws them together. Before the screwing it checks whether the seal’s being there.
As a part of an automated station, it mills lenghtwise cuts into copper parts.
A berendezés szigetelt kábelek vizsgálatára készült. A vizsgálat során a szigetelt kábelér a vizsgálófejen keresztül halad és így a golyós-láncos nagyfeszültségre (0…20kV-ra) kapcsolt villamos térbe kerül. Miután a kábelér vezető része a nullázó hálózatra van kötve, szigetelési hiba esetén a nagyfeszültség a föld felé záródik és a 20kV-os transzformátor nagyfeszültségű körébe elhelyezett hibaérzékelő-transzformátorban hibafeszültség keletkezik. Ezt egy elektromos áramkör érzékeli, és azonnal lekapcsolja a nagyfeszültséget, illetve hibajelzést küld. A hibajelzés fény és hang, valamint kontaktus jel, ami alkalmas a gépsor leállítására. A hibajelzés a nyugtázásig folyamatos! A nyugtázást követően a hibajelzés megszűnik és a vizsgáló feszültség automatikusan visszaáll.
The station feeds rolled paper of the band at various speeds. The synchronization is carried out with a tencel handle. The handle adjusts the engine arrester through an appropriate- resolution inductive odometer.
The press station had to be transformed and renewed in accordance with the European standards and the Hungarian labour safety and security technology standards in order that the new station could produce the newly introduced parts.
The station consists of two separately controllable substations (leftward and rightward press, they were materialized in the course of the transformationof the system). The two stations operate independently of each other, the system control takes place on two distinct displays. The leftward and the rightward press operate in the same way.
The motion of the pressing slave cylinder is throttled by a mechanical component (a spring-actuated cylinder). The pressing slave cylinder can only move if the control of the retaining working cylinder is activated This kind of activation is not available for the operators as the retaining slave cylinder and the pressing working cylinder is controlled by the PLC at the same time.
The station is protected with light curtain. In case the safety light curtain discontinues, the motions are disabled immediately, the pressing slave cylinder is fixed by the spring-actuated working cylinder. An example for the operation process of a substation is given below, the description refers to both substations.
The station checks and measures:
the diameter of the bearing bore by using little pressure (Balluff odometer)
the pressure of TOX working cylinder (TOX pressure gauge)
the position of the bearings after using higher pressure (Heidenhain)
the value of higher pressure (dynamometer cell)
The operator inserts the Pulley into the seat and the bearings into the pressing tool then actuates the station with a switch. By using small power the pressing working cylinder checks the size of the bearing bore, then by using higher pressure it presses the bearing into its final position and it is protected against’drop-out) from the material of the pulley. Meanwhile, the station checks the pressure of the pressing working cylinder and then gauges the position of the bearing. After pressing, the two retaining Pulley slave cylinders keep the complete piece in the seat so that when the pressing working cylinder is moving to an upper position it can not pick up the piece from the pressing seat. After the bearing gets into the basic position, the retaining working cylinders go back to their basic position as well.
The station is used for screwing AC compressors Pulley. The operator takes 3 pieces of nuts out of the storage container, inserts them into the seat, then takes a Pulley out of the storage container, places it on the seat to fit it to the appropriate position of the bores. Finally, the worker takes 3 pieces of bolts out of the bolt storage container and inserts them into the bores of the Pulley, taking care that the bolts meet the nuts precisely. The worker actuates the working cycle with a switch. After screwing, in case of an appropriate piece, the lamp lights green, afterwards the operator passes it on to the worker of the next station. If the complete piece is considered as scrap after the screwing, the operator puts it into the scrap container.
The task of the station is the Run-Out measurement of the longitudinal axis of the air conditioning compressor. The operator inserts the shaft into the seat equipped with pneumatic grip. The operator actuates the work cycle with a switch. After the measurement, in case of appropriate piece, the lamp lights green, afterwards the operator passes it on to the worker of the next station. If the complete piece is considered as scrap after the measurement, the operator puts it into the seat of the scrap container.
The surface grinding machine is used for grinding the level of the window of the furnace door. The machinery is lifted up by grabbing the lifting eyes with a hoist onto the door, the level is adjusted and fixed with a measuring device. The worker carries out grinding manually by moving the working parts of the unit. The grinder can be adjusted in 3-way positions. The height is adjusted with a manual wheel on top of the machine, leaning-threaded spindles provides the motion. The rate of the adjustment is indicated on a scale graduated in 0.1mm under the manual wheel. The sideward, forward and bacward moves are provided by two rails, four linear carriages and besides two linear axis and four ball bearings. The rotation of the grinding wheel is carried out by a 3-phase asynchronous electric engine.
It is used for marking the cables after the length of every 1 meter.
The task of the purpose machine: pressing of 200-litre metal barrels.
The equipment was produced to mass 200-litre metal barrels (diameter: 580mm x 80mm). The load-bearing structure consists of 1200mm steel-beams. The cover is made up from hollow section- tin sheet. The barrel, placed in the work area, is pressed by a hydraulically operated- metal sheet. An electrically-operated hydraulic power supply actuates the slave cylinder. The motion of the slave cylinder is controlled by the lower and upper limit switches. Pressing can be carried out only if the door of the work area is closed, it is provided with a safety limit switch as well.
The task of the purpose machine: gas homogenization after bottling different gas blends.
The equipment has a capacity for 4 pieces of gas bottles. The size of the bottles to be used:10l longish bottle- height 900/1100mm- diameter 140mm; 10l fat gas bottle- height 600/800mm- diameter 180mm; 40l bottle- height 1450/1600mm- diameter 195mm; 50l bottle- height 1350/1600mm- diameter 235mm. The machine rotates the gas bottles on the basis of the PLC-adjusted work cycle in order that the required blending of the gases can be developed. The machinery is a welded hollow-section framework, made up from a fixed frame, a reclinable so-called table and a 18 deg ramp. The control panels and the electrical box are on the wall outide the machinery space.